This JAAS library provides an extendable framework to easily create JAAS modules with auditing and message queue support.

View the Project on GitHub mbeiter/jaas

JAAS Library

This JAAS library provides an extendable framework to easily create JAAS modules with auditing and message queue support.

The following extension points are supported:

Components and Usage


Common configuration, plus interfaces and reference implementations for extension points such as audit and message queue integration.




An aggregator project for the actual JAAS modules.

Currently, only one sub-project for username / password style credentials is included.



An aggregator project for the username / password style credentials JAAS modules.

This module contains submodules with various authenticators (i.e. modules that retrieve credential information from a data source) and validators (modules that can validate user provided credentials against credentials retrieved from a data source).



The actual JAAS modules for username / password based authentication, with support for white label domains, plus the necessary interface definitions to add custom validators (for additional password encodings) and authenticators (for additional data source).


An aggregator project for the username / password style credentials authenticators.

This module contains submodules with various authenticators (i.e. modules that retrieve credential information from a data source).


Dummy Password Authenticator

This module contains a Dummy authenticator for username / password based authentication: This is meant as an example on how to implement an authenticator, and for testing. Validation in this module passes if the provided password matches the provided username. Not for use in production environments.


JDBC Password Authenticator

This authenticator allows to perform username / password based authentication against databases, with support for white label domains. The database connection is made either through a configurable JDBC connection pool, or through a JNDI (pooled) connection.



An aggregator project for the username / password style credentials validators.

This module contains submodules with various validators (i.e. modules that can validate user provided credentials against credentials retrieved from a data source).


Plaintext Password Validator

This module contains a validator for username / password based credentials: This is meant as an example on how to implement a validator and for testing. Passwords are validated with a simple match against a plain text password received from an authenticator. Not for use in production environments.


Useful Links

Authors and Contributors