
Mike's utility library is a collection of useful Maven and Java tools.

View the Project on GitHub mbeiter/util

Mike's Utility Library

Mike's utility library is a collection of useful Maven and Java tools.

Components and Usage

Build Tools

A POM file with a set of Maven profile configurations for reliable and repeatable Maven builds.

Note that this POM file is not part of the parent / child relationship of the project to keep it isolated from the Maven build(s). This allows it to being used as a configuration dependency without the risk of circular dependencies.


Maven Dependency


Util Library Parent

The utility library parent POM controls the build of the utility library.


Maven Dependency

See project documentation.


Array Utils Library

The Array Utils library provides common methods for converting and purging (overwriting in memory) arrays.

Maven Dependency

See project documentation.


DB Library

The DB library provides common methods for retrieving data sources or database connections from either a configurable connection pool, or from a JNDI resource.

Maven Dependency

See project documentation.


Useful Links

Authors and Contributors